Hello and welcome to our meeting. If you are a new visitor, we have a page for you to get to know us and learn more about planning a visit.
Click here to see more.

Planning your Visit

A Warm Welcome 

The following information is specifically for those planning a visit, so that you know, beforehand, what to expect on a Sunday morning.

 Richland Meeting HouseThe Richland Meetinghouse

Where and When

We meet at the Meeting House (details here) for our Meeting for Worship starting at 10:30am. There is plenty of parking at the Meeting House or next door at the School House. For your first visit, we recommend arriving 10-15 minutes early to find somewhere to sit before the service begins. When you arrive, you should be greeted by someone on our Welcome Team.

Accessibility: There is wheelchair access on the south end of the Meeting House

What to expect during Meeting for Worship

In Quaker Meeting for Worship, we unplug from the chattering world and open ourselves to the eternal Spirit that each of us can experience directly in our own way. Sitting together in the silence of Meeting for Worship we seek a communion with the Divine and with each other. Quakers, also known as Friends, believe that we come together as equals and any one of us can come to know God’s will directly, without the help of trained clergy and liturgy. We have no creed or set prayers. We believe that we each come to feel God’s love and know God’s will. We ascribe to testimonies of simplicity, peace, integrity, community, equality and stewardship.

Meeting HouseInside the Meetinghouse

Our members and attenders, who come from many faith traditions, witness the Spirit variously as: God, the Inner Light, Jesus or simply Love. We believe this Divine force is available for all people at all times.

As we sit together in silence, we begin to draw our minds and hearts away from daily preoccupations, to better hear the “still small voice” of God speak to us and through us. (1 Kings 19:11-12) Anyone who feels deeply moved by an inner leading may offer vocal ministry with spirit led messages, prayers, and meditations. We leave silent time after each message to contemplate what has been shared. When speaking, we do so clearly so all can hear. Our children who have been in Sunday School, join us and sit together in worship for the last 15 minutes.

After about an hour, a designated person will signal the end of meeting.

Visitors are welcomed and announcements are shared.

We ask that you sign our guest book before leaving the meetinghouse. 

And if you wish, please join us in our schoolhouse for refreshments where we can become better acquainted and to talk further about our faith and practice and answer any questions.

School House

The Richland Schoolhouse

What about my kids?

We have Youth First Day School beginning at 10:20 to give parents time to get their children settled before joining Meeting for Worship.

In keeping with Pennsylvania requirements, all adult volunteers have current Pennsylvania Volunteer clearances to lead each class.  

Our program is provided during Meeting for Worship, thus enabling parents to be reassured that their children are being cared for and nurtured in Quaker ways while the parents are being nurtured in Worship. Activities vary and are chosen based upon the number and ages of the children attending. The children are treated respectfully as valued participants in the life of our meeting.  

Towards the end of the hour, we clean up, have a small snack, and join the adults at the end of their worship in the meetinghouse.